Minggu, 03 April 2011

Truagles Anti Porn

Lanjut lagi nih sob , upload lancar sih... nah kali ini ane mau share untuk yang ingin compinya ga bisa akses yang berbau2 porno nih , kali aja untuk anak/adek/siapa aja deh, soalnya jaman sekarang ga ada yang ga mengenal yang namanya internet , semua orang pasti pernah/sering akses internet , nah tau sendiri didalem internet tuh banyak yang begitu-begitu , yang ane demenin tuh,xixixixixi... tapi kan juga ada yang ga suka yang begituan , nah ini ane kasih Truagles Anti Porn , biar dijelasin wong londo bentar yah...

Anti-P0rn - a program to block the viewing p0rn sites. Uninstall or deactivate one can only know the password. The program has proved suitable for the leaders and fathers of families, because it is - the solution for increasing productivity of employees, and parents will not worry that their child spends on the Internet while watching p0rn.

The main advantages of Anti-P0rn:
"Filtering by p0rn content
"The planned shutdown PC
"Limiting the time held in the network
"History of visited sites
"Screen Log
"Protection and access to settings and deactivate a password
"Simple and easy to use interface

Changes in Anti-Porn
* Added apple.com to the WhiteList.
* Improved compatibility with the Maxthon 3 and the SogouExplorer.
* Removed the splash popup.

Nah udah paham akn kegunaannya n fungsi2nya? butuh? langsung sedot dah...

PASSWORD: duniadriver
DOWNLOAD Truagles Anti Porn

Sumber : duniadriver2010.blogspot.com

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